Monday, April 03, 2006

Thought people might be interested in this latest project from Emily Johns (one of the nominated artists from Remember Saro Wiwa)

APPEAL - JNV Iran delegation

After two years of trying, Justice Not Vengeance has finally found a route to send artist Emily Johns to Iran as part of a peace delegation. She is travelling to Iran in May with the Fellowship of Reconciliation US and the Muslim Peace Fellowship US on a friendship delegation. She is the only European delegate to be selected for this trip. On her return she will be making images for an anti-war exhibition project to do with Iran.

(continues in Comments)

Short Volumes to Change Your World

Gatto, John Taylor. Dumbing us Down (Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers, 1992) 104 pages. (Arthur)

Herzog, Werner. Of Walking in Ice (London: Jonathan Cape, 1991) 88 pages, or (New York: Tanam Press, 1980). (Arthur)